
The licensing of signoSign / mobile (Android) fails, although a license is available and the license key was specified correctly.


Possible causes for this behavior are:

- Problems with the general network connection (1)

The signoSign / mobile app for Android is licensed online. If communication with the signotec licensing server is not possible due to security mechanisms or disruptions in the connected network, licensing errors may occur.

- The license is already in use on other devices (2)

If the license volume is used up, although the existing devices have only been replaced and the number of actively used, licensed devices is covered by the license volume, the licenses of the discarded devices were not withdrawn. In this case, the old devices remain activated.



If the network connection is too restrictive to allow communication during licensing, please clarify this with your administrator. Alternatively, the licensing can be done via "mobile data".


If old devices have not released the license, please do so before new devices are licensed. If it is not possible to release the licenses, please contact support.